On Wednesday, we hosted our first ever NC Home Brewing event, a home brew swap to celebrate the launch of the new blog. We met up at Bub O’Malley’s in Chapel Hill and were able to share some great beer and had some very interesting conversation about home brewing and the North Carolina craft beer scene.
I was lucky enough to meet some other fellow beer bloggers and tweeters (is that a word yet?). You all should follow @cylc, as he is hosting the first ever NC Beer live radio show tonight at 7:30pm!
Also, check out:
All on Twitter!
I will post some pictures of the event soon, once I can steal them off of my lovely fiancee’s phone. Also, stay tuned, as I am sure we will be doing some other great home brew and craft beer events in the not-to-distant future. We came up with some really great ideas at the home brew swap.
To keep up with all of the local events, be sure you are following @NChomebrewing on Twitter and are subscribed to the blog. We are keeping a fairly up-to-date event calendar that can be found in the sidebar of any page, or see the full calendar by clicking on the events tab in the main nav.
Thanks again to everyone who came out to help us celebrate the launch of what will hopefully be a great blog for all home brewers in (and around) North Carolina! Cheers!